Saturday, January 05, 2019

2019 and a Thread of Hope

At some point in the last week of 2018 I realized that 2019 would bring us one step closer to the end of Donald Trump.  Strictly speaking, I have marked that happy news every day since this inept and cruel man took office.  But 2019 really does feel significant; next year we have a presidential election and we can refuse to re-elect him.  This year, candidates will be ginning up to make the challenge.  Elizabeth Warren has already announced that she will explore a run.  That alone changes the tenor of the political landscape; she’s not going to be quiet while Trump endangers us.  She’s willing to lead and will pull mightily in another direction.  

That’s hopeful.

There is no guarantee that the national discourse will shift and the limits of the Electoral College remain.  But 2019 feels like Trump’s days are limited.  I will certainly do my best to see him lose the White House.  While I eagerly await for the Mueller report, my hopes for the end of Trump don’t rest on that report alone.  For starters, I’ve grown weary of the wait.  In addition, I don’t really expect that any of the Republicans in Congress will stand up for decency and against Trump.  They haven’t thus far, though each week (sometimes each day!) brings new evidence that Trump is not suited to be the nation’s president.  I don’t expect that anything Mueller reports will change the minds of the GOP’s leaders.

But I watched Nancy Pelosi be sworn in as Speaker with an assortment of children around her and I felt pride.  The sheer number of women elected to the House feels like progress; like we are moving in the right direction.  I do have hope about our nation’s voters.  Even accounting for the disaster that is the Electoral College, I feel it.  It seems like a wispy thing, hope in such an era as this.  But it’s all that we have; all that I have.  So I will hold tightly to it and live in hope.

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