Tuesday, March 17, 2020

News from the Inside

I can’t be the only person in the universe who feels like days are incredibly slow even while they are filled with big events.  Last week - the last week of classes before our two week Spring Break - was a literal whirlwind.  I started the week hopeful that the COVID-19 madness would slow and arrived at Wednesday utterly convinced that it would not.  On Thursday at 2:15, my school made the decision to close early for Spring Break.  By Friday, it was clear that our March 30 return to Spring Break would be via remote learning.  I stayed late at school that afternoon, packing up everything I would need to teach my 7th grade history classes from home for the rest of the year.

On Wednesday, JT learned he would be in an extended dance mix Spring Break and he and I made plans via phone for him to bring everything he could back home.  Here at home, T, who fixes computers remotely, was herself enmeshed in some very long days.

I avoid the panic-stricken news and instead listen to NPR and read the New York Times and Vox, so that I am not overwhelmed with anxiety.  Because, really, this is an anxiety-producing landscape.  Each day, I make a plan to find at least one thing for which be grateful.  My family, always, of course.  And then something else…..a daffodil in the garden, the sound of my son’s laughter, the way that T makes me laugh.

We can do this y’all, one day at a time if necessary.  As we say in New Jersey, take care.

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