Saturday, May 06, 2006

The L Words

JT needs to practice his 'L' words and so we often practice pronouncing these words in the correct fashion --- lid, list, letter, the lion had lettuce for lunch, etc. This grows tiresome, of course, so JT has taken to calling his mommy by her first name, Lisa, because that's also an 'L' word that he can practice. And at age six it still seems slightly forbidden to say your mommy's first name. But Mommy is not cool with that and so we've been teaching him alternative 'L' words, including:

- licentious
- lugubrious
- litigious
- listeria
- leprosy
- lithium
- libido
- lascivious

I wanted to teach him to say labia as well, but it was suggested that this was inappropriate and so I refrained. We didn't teach him lesbian either but not because of some self-loathing or denial. I don't like the way the word lesbian sounds. It sounds so clinical and dour and flannel-y to me. It's a word with a mullet haircut and wearing birkenstocks.

Of course we think that our L-word game is great fun, though JT has grown tired of it, perhaps because he senses that his talents are being exploited for the mommies' evening entertainment. A few nights ago, he up and announced, "I'm done with L words for today."

Tomorrow is another day.

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