I started this post yesterday afternoon to wish my nephew Spencer a happy recovery from having his tonsils and adenoids removed. Spence, who is turning 7 in the next few weeks, gets to spend his spring break eating a lot of popsicles and talking his mother out of a little more root beer than usual. As his mother, my sister KO, would surely say, it's a below average way to spend your spring break.
I called my sister yesterday afternoon to see how Spence was doing. "Fine," she reported, "but I'm going to the hospital. I think that I have appendicitis." Apparently, she'd been feeling poorly and when she and M got Spence home from the hospital she continued to feel worse. So while Marty went out to get the tonsillectomy party supplies, KO decided that she'd better go to the hospital. The Sassafras Parents were summoned to help get things coordinated.
Shortly after that, the hospital decided that KO's appendix had to go. That night. So, in less than 24 hours, two of the four H'dingers had surgery yesterday afternoon. I'm hoping for the sake of a good story that the same insurance claim processor sees both claims. And I'd certainly suggest that the two other H'dingers in Clovis lie low, you know what I mean?
Get well soon, KO and Spence!
PS: The photo is KO and Spence at Disneyland, having a better time than they did yesterday!
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