Thursday, April 01, 2010

April 1st: Apple Dapple

Things are look quite promising out here in apple tree land.  The buds on the trees and the light in back yard is particularly lovely to look at in the morning as the sun comes up.
That would be when the sun comes up......rain and flooding has been the theme around here for the last month and my backyard, which has never before had standing water, had plenty of standing water for nearly the whole of the month. 

I'm ready to put down some extra grass seed and a bit of turf builder for the lawn.  But that requires a 48 hour period with above-freezing temps and no rain.  Insert your own hollow laughter here.  Thankfully, a long weekend beckons and sun is forecast.  I'll be out here every spare moment and though I can't quite eat apples from my trees just yet, the sun and the warmth, the buds and the green.....they will feed my soul.

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