Friday, April 23, 2010

Real Life Conversations at School: Clown College edition

The backstory: I teach at a college prep school and that means that I am in the business of preparing students to succeed at college.  Among other things,  that means teaching students how to do research and write thesis-driven research papers.  However, that it is a useful skill doesn't always mean that the students eagerly embrace a research paper assignment, as the following conversation ably illustrates.

Student X: But why do we have to write a research paper?

Me:  Well, you will certainly be writing research papers in college and when those assignments happen you'll want to be the student in the room who thinks "I know exactly what to do."  In the short term, you might need a graded assignment to submit with your college applications next year.

Unruly Student Y:  I want to go to clown college.

Me:  Then I guess you'll be writing your paper on the history of the Ringling Brothers Circus.

The whole class burst into laughter. 

I win.


Shark Butt said...

Clown college would be as good a training ground as any for future employment in state or local government.

sister AE said...

HA! Take that, Unruly Student!

Shelley said...

Outstanding reparté, for the win! :-D

Chelle said...

Excellent response!