Monday, April 26, 2010

Peony Dreams

When I lived in Nashville, virtually every house in the neighborhoods I loved best had a few peony bushes in the yard.  In late May when the peonies bloomed they were practically garish in their lush floral displays.  The first spring I was living in Tennessee I vowed that I would some day have a few peony bushes of my own.

This spring, I finally made good on that promise with two peony plants for my yard.   I ordered them from R.H. Shumway's, one of my favorite garden catalogs.  They arrived a few weeks ago and I quickly planted them on either side of the front walk.  I have since watched anxiously for signs that they would be able to work their magic. 

I check on my little plants daily.  The past week, with warmth and rain in equal measure, has seen the plants really taking hold.  Right now, I've recruited two of JT's sticks to mark the plants' spot.  Soon enough I will install a ring to help hold up the branches.  I'm not expecting blooms this spring --- usually it takes a year or two, especially for spring-planted bulbs --- but I can wait.  I like the fact that gardening encourages me to be a more patient person.

1 comment:

Nichole said...

Peonies are on my list for next year. They are one of my favorite flowers. We had them at our house in Norfolk, and I would clip off a big pink blossom and float it in a bowl of water. And I am so jealous of your lilac bushes. They are also on my list for next year.