Saturday, November 02, 2019

Mulch Mower for the Win

Between the tall sycamore and oak trees that line my street and the trees in my own backyard, the leaf harvest around here is something to behold.  We do our best to rake and bag them for the town to pick up at the curb but the chore can seem never-ending.  Enter me and my mulching mower.  

Ground up, the leaves are a great fertilizer for my lawn.  And mulching them row by row is satisfying, at least for the few days hours that the grass looks tidy.

Soon enough, leaves will once again cover the lawns and sidewalks.  

Raking and mulching will take several rounds before we can call the job complete.   But while there is still gas in my mower, my mulching ambitions can be fulfilled.

That’s happy!

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