Saturday, February 01, 2020

Front Yard Flowerbed in February

Normally, the February garden report is filled with words about Winter’s stillness.  From this view, Winter is in full control in this picture — the sky is low and grey, other than the ivy and moss, nothing else seems to be growing.  It looks cold outside. 

But when I scouted up close, there is promise to be seen.

Daffodils!  The tips of the slender stems are just peaking through this mess of a flowerbed.  I am best pleased by this happy development and now I will obsessively check the flowerbed to monitor the progress.

Though its been a mostly mild Winter, I am still excited for the coming Spring.  Monday’s forecast calls for a sunny day with temps above 55 degrees and I hope there will be enough after-school sunlight for me to do some cleaning out of this flowerbed.  That will make space for the other flowers and plants to come and sustain my already busy Spring daydreaming.  This short month is all that stands between me and full-flown Spring madness.  

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