Monday, May 10, 2010

Real Life Conversations with JT: Much Loved edition

The backstory: Grandma and Grandpa have been in-house for the last 10 days, providing entertainment, emptying of the dishwasher, clean laundry, construction supervision, baseball trivia, and much love.  But they fly home today (in search of warm weather and a hot shower).  This morning, as we were getting ready to say goodbye, JT pulled me aside for a conversation.

JT:  We'll see them in less than 6 weeks, right?

Mama:  Yep. On the boat to Alaska in 6 weeks.

JT:  Good.  Because I don't want to cry when I say good bye.

Mama:  I've got you covered, sugar. 

Safe travels, Grandma & Grandpa.  And enjoy that hot shower.

1 comment:

JAXTER said...

awwwww, you two are so sweet, glad the visit was wonderful - the six weeks will just fly by, then, I expect pictures!