Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gift Giving

At my school this year, I am a Senior class advisor.  Part of my job is to help the Seniors plan their class gift to the school.  At the moment we're raising funds for the gift.  The funds we raise will determine just how much we have for the gift.  At the moment, we're a bit short of cash.

The class treasurer suggested we just go to the Dollar Store to buy the gift.  This led me to have visions of piles and piles of cheap crap wrapped haphazardly and presented to the school.  To restore order, Student H suggested Smencils.  And then I was off an running.  Our Senior class gift will be Smencils scented like the school.  Those scents include:

 - rancid lunch, left a little too long in the lockers

- post Taco Bell haze, from the Seniors and their-out-to-lunch privileges

- locker room funk ('nuf said)

- downstairs bathroom at the end of the day (I trust I needn't say more?)

- Cafeteria French Fries, a smell that can linger for days

- Overheated lounge, a smell made more pungent when adults yammer on and morning meeting lasts too long

Other options will certainly be considered.  We plan to make our mark with this gift and I'm looking forward to seeing the look on the Headmaster's face when we make our Smencil gift announcement.

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