Thursday, January 26, 2012

Newt Bashing

In the last few days, the mainstream GOP has basically gone on the offensive in opposition to Newt Gingrich, detailing the many ways he isn't qualified to lead anything, let alone the nation.  Today, 1996 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole got in on the fun.

To quote Newt's '90s nemesis Bill Clinton, I don't have a dog in this hunt.  I'm an Obama supporter, after all.  I should find the Newt-bashing a kind of cheap entertainment. But I don't.  Instead, I find myself wondering where all these people were in 1994, when Newt unleashed his Contract with America invective on the nation.  I wonder where they were when Newt went after the Clintons with his ridiculous accusations.  Where were they in the last few years, when the mainstream media started treating Gingrich as a legitimate GOP-idea man?   The answer: None of them stood up to Newt and his nonsense.  None of them opposed his spiteful brand of politics.  When it worked for them, why they were all for it.

Now they are reaping what they've sown.  I hope that the nation doesn't suffer a similar fate.

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