Sunday, July 22, 2018

A Tour of My Inner Thoughts

Me:  I should buy a new wallet; one that is nice and will last a long time.

And so, after a lengthy search of more than three years, I find a good price for the sort of wallet that is well-made and will last a long time.  It's a color I love and just the right size.  I’m pleased with my purchase and admire it daily but don't swap it out with my grubby old wallet.

Also Me:  I’m afraid to use my new wallet because it’s so nice and my old worn-out wallet will be fine.

I dream about using my new wallet three nights in a row and then I finally take the plunge and swap the old for the new because it’s exhausting to live with my subconscious and, honestly, I should use the new damned wallet that I spent three years thinking about.

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