Monday, November 26, 2018

Here We Go

After a much-appreciated five day holiday, I return to classes today. In the world of schools, the weeks before Winter Break are always insane.  The kids are excited and expectant about both the December holidays and the two week break the holidays will provide.  But there is a lot of school to be held in the meantime; 19 school days spread over four weeks.  But who’s counting?

In my school in the coming weeks, in addition to our regular classes, there are first trimester report cards to send out, a 7th grade field trip to Philadelphia, three Winter music concerts to be performed, the start of the Winter sports season, a Geography Bee, and an 8th grade auction to organize and hold.  All of this is accomplished in just under four weeks and with the prospect of Winter weather and a snow day always on the minds of the students.

This morning, as I sit in the dark quiet of early morning and enjoy my coffee, my mind whirls with thoughts of the busy days to come.  Home, and all of its comforts, will be my sanctuary in the coming month.  I look forward to the holiday traditions December will bring, especially the smell of a pine branches and the sparkle of holiday lights.  They are my moment of calm in the jam-packed days.  I love them even more for that.

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