Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vocab with T: Coo-Coo le Crazy

Last month, in my effort to enrich our national vocabulary, I reported on T's  use of the word jimmy-jangled.  Fittingly, this month's vocabulary lesson is a word that has been jimmy-jangled together: coo-coo le crazy.  Plenty of folks have behavior that is a little odd.  Those folks may be coo-coo or they may be crazy.  But when behavior or words go over-the-top nuts, then let's face it: we need a better description for what's just occurred.  Behold coo-coo le crazy.  When you sound or act insane but you don't know it, then you're coo-coo le crazy.  To hear T explain it, coo-coo le crazy is a 15 on the 10 point scale of nuts. 

We've all been a little nuts on occasion.  And then we've come back across to the sanity side of the table.  We recover.  But there is no recovery from coo-coo le crazy.  And yes, I'm looking at you, Rick Santorum.

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