Monday, April 01, 2013

April 1: Front Yard Flowerbed

This morning, I came awake to the sounds of birds singing.  The cheerful songs made the darkness fade.  Just before 6 am, I took some trash outside and I could see half of the moon glowing in the southwest sky.  More birds had joined the morning chorus.  There had been rain overnight but the air feels milder.

Though most of our month of March was of the "in like a lion" variety, the month ended on a "lamb" note with sunlight and warmth for part of our weekend.  At one point on Saturday, T and I turned our faces to the sun and reminded ourselves that there really is more of this to come.  In the front yard, my flower bulbs are coming along quite nicely.
Some of the deep purple crocus bulbs survived the squirrels and those flowers began to bloom a few weeks ago, a herald for the colors yet to come.  Two flowers remain to celebrate the arrival of April.
The rest of the flower bed is making its way to the lush blossoms and green colors of spring.  In the next month, things will explode in the yard.  And I'll be out on the front porch every day, a fool for April who is eager to admire every change.

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