Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Traditions

The Easter Bunny still delivers candy at our house and so JT’s basket was set out last night and had plenty of treats come the morning.  T also received a little something from the bunny, because treats are always happy.  

I miss the days when JT would hunt the garden for plastic eggs filled with candy, but other traditions of the holiday are still pleasing.  I love holiday cooking and Easter is no exception to that rule.  I had a three day weekend for the holiday and the extra day off was a blessing that found me with the time I needed to prepare our holiday meals in a leisurely fashion.  We had homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, made from a recipe T has from her grandmother.  These rolls are incredibly delicious and a reminder of family.  The whole house smells amazing when they bake, a scent that reminds T of a beloved grandmother, so that’s most happy.  

For our Easter supper, there was ham, a potato casserole recipe that comes from my family (they’re called funeral potatoes because the original recipe was obtained from a funeral supper and the smell of them baking spells holiday for me), rolls, and asparagus.  We also enjoyed an embarrassing amount of deviled eggs because of course we did.

Holiday traditions like this are one of the things that I love best, a happy reminder of family and a chance to enjoy the traditions that make life rich. 

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