Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Real Life Conversations with T: Text Message Style Guide edition

I enjoy the world of my iPhone’s emoji assortment more than I should.  T’s smartphone is not of the Apple variety so I’m not always sure how the iPhone emojis translate in the messages I send her.  Turns out some make it; some don’t.  That’s a shame because she would really love the squirrel emoji.  In a recent conversation, T explained to me her view of the smiley face emoji.

T:  I ended my message with a smiley face.

Me:  A smiley face?

T:  Yes.  The smiley face is the universal symbol that means, “this matter is now closed.”

Me:  I see.  I feel our communication will be more efficient now.

T is poised to be the Strunk and White of text message grammar.  Look out world.

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