Thursday, January 07, 2021

Real Life Conversations with T: Millions and Millions edition

The backstory: As we watched the January 6 Senate debate unfold (more on that soon), Kelly Loeffler, Republican from Georgia, stood up to speak.  I turned to T and offered a thought.

Me:  That woman spent $100 million of her own money to get re-elected to the Senate.

T:  No…she spent $100 million to lose the Senate race.

Truth.  Democrats picked up both the seats in Georgia’s January 5 run-off election and with it control of the U.S. Senate.  That good news was overshadowed thanks to the Wednesday’s events at the Capitol.  But when the dust settles, the victory of Rapfael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will matter a great deal.  In these hard times, that is good news.

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