There is a never ending monotony to life as a single mama. When a partner is around, there's always the off-chance that she'll wash that load of laundry or sweep the floor. But when you are on your own, it's a different story. That last load of laundry? It isn't going to wash itself. And those floors won't sweep themselves. A self-cleaning toilet would be a magical thing but until that happens, that's my chore as well.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed by it all and I want to throw in the towel. Instead, tonight I threw the towel in the washer while I worked out and dusted while supper was cooking. Afterward, I cleaned the kitchen and the bathrooms and swept the floors. I was on a roll and then JT came downstairs and asked, "can we eat some ice cream and play cards?"
There is more dusting to be done and some trash to be taken out, not to mention an assortment of crayons, rubber bands and pencils to be fished out from underneath the radiator. And if I put my mind to it, there are a zillion other tasks that I need to finish. But instead I scooped up the ice cream (with chocolate sauce!) and decided not to sweat the small stuff.
Of course, I lost the card game. But I still feel like I came out a winner.
Congratulations on knowing what was really important tonight.
the great thing about laundry, dust and crayons under the radiator is that they don't care if you don't pay attention to them - a game of cards, a bowl of ice cream and one really cute kid, well - they need that attention. one way or another you always come through like the champ you are... it sounds to me like it was a great night.
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