Monday, September 04, 2006

Mama Feels Frisky

My friend W is forever reminding me that JT will go through a painful musical phase that will find him liking so-called classic rock. Best to get him into....and out of.... this stage quickly, W points out. Otherwise, there will be far too much Def Leopard and AC/DC for one woman to tolerate.

So far, JT just listens to what I select for us. And while many people would suggest that I have dubious musical taste, I do sometimes make decent choices. There is just something about hearing your kid sing along with Liz Phair that makes me smile. So we start the new school year with a new CD, freshly burned for our car ride enjoyment. We've got Supernova, Lovesong, Rebellion, and Cocaine blasting out the windows in a collection of tunes I call "Mama Feels Frisky."

Let's just hope this doesn't come up at Back to School Night.

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