Thursday, September 09, 2010

Window to My World

My home has 27 windows.  Lest you think I'm about to complain about how drafty the house is, let me note that the windows are new and were well-chosen by the previous owners.  They are air tight, fitted to the house's antique woodwork, and really add charm to my house.

Among other things, from every one of these windows is a view of my tree-lined neighborhood.  Upstairs, it feels like we are in a tree house.  In the summer twilight, when I read a book in the chair by the front window, the greenery outside looks like lush velvet.  In the winter, JT and I can lie in our flannel-lined beds and watch the snow softly drift downward. 

When the weather turns mild, one of my favorite house tasks is to open the windows to the outside breeze.  The cats relish a nap in the windowsills, moving from upstairs to down and north to south in order to enjoy the sunlight, the breezes, and the chirping of the wildlife that lives outdoors.   Last weekend featured some cool evenings and lovely days; the beautiful weather is back this morning.  As always, the arrival of fall will mean a lot more open windows around here. And though I can't quite sit in the window sill and admire the outdoors, I love those open windows and I like to think that I know exactly how Tiger and Lucy feel.

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